GLAS Animation Festival 2018 Signal Film
GLAS Animation Festival 2018 Signal Film from GLAS Animation on Vimeo. The 3rd Annual GLAS Animation Festival is fast approaching and soon we’ll be announcing competition selections, curated programs, special guests, and the complete festival schedule. To register for passes, click HERE. In the meantime, feast your eyes upon the GLAS 2018 Signal Film directed by Ori Toor and featuring music by UK sound designers Skillbard.ORI TOOR
Ori Toor is a Tel-Aviv based illustrator, animator and avid doodler who deals mostly with experimental 2D animation and obsessively drawing heaps of noodly landscapes and shapes. FACEBOOK / VIMEO / INSTAGRAM / TUMBLR / WEBSITE / STORE
SKILLBARD Vincent and Tom are at the head of Studio Skillbard, a friendly team of composers and sound designers based in London. We have experience in film, television, games, sound art, pop music, sonic branding and all-out having a good time with sound & music. On top of our years of composition & sound for media, between us we offer a diverse background of professional and personal experiences in writing, producing, performing and releasing in our respective pop acts as well as directing music videos, TV brand-spots and touring the world performing visuals to accompany live music. We like to think that this sort of cross-disciplinary experience has helped us to understand what goes where and what-not. Btw, our name is nothing to do with Skills or bards, like Shakespeare etc. WEBSITE / INSTAGRAM / TWITTER / BANDCAMP